75DS1 Initial Angle
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75DS1 Inital Angle
Why does my 75DS1 (with both synchro or resolver format modules) occasionally output either 225 degrees or -135 degrees on initial command of 0 degrees?
The way the DSP type II servo loop was implemented in this specific design; the internal conversion loop has a nuance as it is continually "monitoring for change” from the DPRAM commanded angle register. On initial power-up (or soft reset), all variables, including the initial angle is “zeroed”. If the initial commanded angle is “0” degrees, then there is “no change” for the loop to work from, so the loop doesn’t administer the "change from previous” variable – and occasionally, will initially output 225 or -135 as observed. The “workaround” is to program an angle one or two LSB from zero, initially. This initialization-only action will “kick-start” the loop and administer the initial “change in the variable” the loop needs. Programming one LSB (i.e., 0.0055 degrees) and then back to zero degrees is enough to “kick start” the conversion – once the loop is “kick-started,” there is no issue.